Tel: 739 003 346

Technical parameters

– a new painting standard

Our new flatbed line specialises in the surface finish of your products. Thanks to its unique technology, capacity, and large floor area, this hall creates a new standard of painting.

Extreme painting speed

94 m2/h

Automated inspection

of painted parts

working simultaneously

8 paint nozzles

Large paint area

2 200×800 mm

Perfect preparation

It all starts in the loading zone. The basis of the perfect paint job begins with the precise preparation of parts. We do this by blasting the parts with solid CO2. Next, we remove any impurities or dust caused by static electricity by blowing the surface with ionized air. Most plastic parts are then flame-treated for better adhesion.

Fast and accurate painting

We work with all painting-system types: solvent-based, water-based, metallic, high gloss, and UV curing. Thanks to the possibility of wet-on-wet painting, the whole process is faster. The system works with precise colour management, which is time efficient and cost effective. We are also able to add screen printing and lacquering lasers to the surface treatments.

Automated camera-inspection of painted parts

Facilities for the 21st century

As part of the new line, we have integrated state-of-the-art technology and an environment that allows us to paint precisely. The Clear room is accessed through air showers, which ensure a perfect dust-free environment. The line is also equipped with its own compressor room, which uses 100% oil-free compressed air.

We also have our own warehouses and our in-house R&D department is involved with all our technological applications.

With an emphasis on ecology

We care about our customers, our employees, and also the natural surroundings in our local area. We highly value and appreciate the environment in Jablůnka, which is why we took ecology into account when building our new painting line. We have our own wastewater treatment plant and Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer.

Interested in our new line?
Do you want to know more?

Don't hesitate to contact us –
We will find the best and most suitable options for your products.

For any further information please contact

Bc. Simona Krampotová
+420 571 410 840

Jablůnka 668,
756 23 Jablůnka - Okr. Vsetín,
Česká republika